BIG Videos - Church Leaders

Summary Video of the Church Leaders Advocating for a Universal Basic Income Grant

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Rev Dr Lungile Mpetsheni - General Secretary - Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa

What UBIG says is in line with what the Shona people of Zimbabwe say. They say: “I slept if you slept - so all that UBIG tries to do is to bridge this gap so that we cannot sleep when others did not sleep because of hunger, because of starvation, it will mean everybody has something in their stomach when they go to sleep.”

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Prof Leepo Modise - Moderator of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa

"As it is widely known that South Africa is the country with the widest gap between the rich and the poor it is time that a Basic Income Grant is introduced in South Africa so that we try to narrow the gap between the poor and the rich."

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Dr Nioma Venter, General Secretary of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC)

"We need to acknowledge that this morning today, 25% of people in South Africa do not have the ability to live above the basic food line, which is ZAR760 per month. This is unthinkable, it is unbearable to think of, and it is also unacceptable."

"UBIG, I think, can provide a safety net for those whose jobs and ways of life are disrupted by environmental changes, helping them to adapt, helping them to survive."

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Prof Jabulani Mdlalose, Presbyterian Church of Africa - Christ The Lamb Theological Seminary

"I would advocate the evidence that shows a basic income that it leads to improved health outcomes like nutrition and, through redistribution, it creates a basis to build a people’s economy, fostering economic activity and reducing crime. It is also a fairer way of sharing the wealth in our society to all and promoting a more stable and democratic nation."

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Prof Reggie Nel - Dean of Theology - Stellenbosch University

"If I think of the BIG, the Basic Income Grant, then in the South African context and in the broader African context, it is so relevant as a viable option to make a change - but specifically to address the question of inequality"

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Father Michael Lapsley - Founder of the Institute for Healing of Memories

"I have always supported the Basic Income Grant because for me it is a way to give dignity to all people, and I think as a Christian, support for the Basic Income Grant is fundamentally because we believe that all human beings are made in God’s image and likeness. All human beings have dignity simply because we are human and grinding poverty actually dehumanises people and produces great trauma. Because of our faith it motivates us to support the Basic Income Grant."

"The faith community needs to be at the forefront of supporting the Basic Income Grant which will enable every South African to have the basis of a decent human life. "

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Archbishop Thabo Makgoba - Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and the President of the South African Council of Churches (SACC)

Regarding the introduction of a Universal Basic Income Grant in South Africa: "I had hoped to host the organizers here at Bishop’s Court to sit around the fire to discuss deeply and to reflect not only theologically but also practically on how all the churches, especially the Anglican Church, could be involved in this significant matter."

"A Universal Basic Income is the yardstick of the new government to achieve tangible results and to improve the lives of many millions of South Africans. A Universal Basic Income is the starting line a a prerequisite which provides a platform to kickstart equitable and sustainable development for all South Africans."

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